Our Partners

"...A chord of three strands is not easily broken." Eccl 4:12

Planting a new church is an exciting but challenging endeavor that requires spiritual, financial, and logistical support.

Partner churches play a vital role in this process by providing encouragement, resources, and experienced guidance to a new church.

At New Life Church, having the backing of established churches has enabled us to concentrate on building relationships, discipling new believers, and spreading the gospel without being overwhelmed by administrative burdens and financial strain.

We Are Not Alone

Church planting can sometimes leave God's workers feeling lonely and isolated.

We thank God daily for our ministry partners who have been with us at every turn, encouraging and collaborating with us, leaving us refreshed and eager to continue on with the work.

As we read in Ecclesiastes 4:12:

"...A cord of three strands is not easily broken."

We have found this wisdom to hold true over and over as our Partners have given us the strength to continue on in the fight to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ shared among all the Farsi speaking communities of Atlanta.

Our Partners

(Alphabetical Order - Click name to see more)

Christ Covenant Church

Clarkston International Bible Church

Generations Norcross Church

North American Missions Board

The River Church